My Yogurt Didn’t Set. What Can I Do?
Sneak Preview: If your yogurt didn’t set, don’t throw your milk out yet! I’ll show you what to do next. Then, we’ll talk about what may have gone wrong so that your next batch will be successful.

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Have you just discovered that your yogurt project still looks like milk? If so, you’re probably wondering what to do next.
Oh, the disappointment and anguish over wasting money on milk, not to mention your time.
I can’t count how often I get desperate emails seeking to recover and make good yogurt from the same batch of milk or recycle the non-yogurt milk into something entirely different.
You are not alone!
Happy Cooks Speak Up
Thank you so much! My yogurt failed and this post was exactly what I was hoping to find.–JULIE B.
Reattempting After Failure:
- Identify the Problem: If you know why your yogurt failed (like incorrect temperature or a poor starter), you have a strong chance of success by addressing that issue and trying again with the same batch. See this yogurt trouble-shooting post if you still haven’t figured it out.
- Learning from Mistakes: If you’re unsure what went wrong and repeat the same process without changes, you’ll likely have the same poor results. The key is to learn from each attempt and make the necessary adjustments.
Troubleshooting Your Yogurt
Did You Remember to Add the Starter?
- One common cause of yogurt failure is simply forgetting to add the starter. It’s an easy mistake to make, especially if you’re multitasking.
- Once, I heated three batches of milk and left them to cool to 110˚F, but forgot to add the starter and incubate. The next morning, I reheated the milk to 100˚F, added extra starter, and incubated it. Despite the oversight, the yogurt turned out perfect.
Incubation Temperature:
- Too High or Too Low? If your incubation temperature was off, it could be the root cause of your yogurt not setting correctly. Ensure that the temperature is consistently within the recommended range (between 100-110°F or 38-43°C).
- Another common issue is forgetting to turn on the heat for your incubation system. If this happens, and the milk still smells fine, reheat it to 100˚F, turn on the heat source, and incubate for a few more hours.
Starter Culture:
- The freshness of your starter is crucial. The fresher, the better—if it’s older than ten days, your chances of success decrease.Also,
- Consider if you might have accidentally killed the starter by adding it to milk that was too hot. If you’re unsure, use a digital quick-read thermometer(paid link) to check the milk’s temperature before adding the starter.
Here are some suggestions based on my own experience.
Four steps to possible yogurt recovery
1. Does the milk smell bad?
If so, throw it out — no need to ask any more questions.
If the milk still smells OK and you aren’t feeding it to anybody who is immunocompromised, such as the very young, the very old, or the very ill, then proceed to the next step.
2. Is it necessary to reheat the milk?
I assume you heated the milk to 175˚-180˚F (79-82˚C) the first time and then let it cool back to 100-110˚ F (38˚C-43˚C). DO NOT reheat a second time to 175˚F.
If your milk has cooled to room temperature or you put it in the fridge for a while, warm it to 100˚F (38˚F), if desired. BE VERY CAUTIOUS not to let the milk go above 110˚F.
If you accidentally overheat the milk, it will probably separate or clabber. Congratulations! If you strain it, you’ve just made fresh ricotta cheese. KEEP READING for what to do next if this happens to you.
3. Should I add a new starter?
Yes, especially if you suspect the original starter was the cause of your failure. Make sure the new starter is fresh and contains no additives.
4. How do I re-incubate?
- Temperature Control: After stirring in the new starter, incubate the milk mixture. Ensure that the temperature is no less than 100˚F (38˚C) and hovers between 105-110˚F (38-43˚C).
- Double-Check the Temperature: Even if you use a yogurt maker or Instant Pot, check the temperature with a quick-read thermometer. These appliances can malfunction.
See the video above for instructions for making yogurt from beginning to end if you prefer pictures to words.
Option #2 for failed yogurt that still smells good but looks like milk:
Alternate Solutions for Failed Yogurt
1. Make fresh ricotta cheese
If your milk already contains starter and you’ve accidentally overheated it, don’t worry—you can turn this into an opportunity to make fresh ricotta cheese.
I discovered this phenomenon by accident when I reheated milk inoculated with a starter in the microwave. I intended to bring it back to 100˚F. However, the milk got warmer than I intended and quickly began to boil and pop.
When milk that contains a starter is overheated, it will curdle and separate due to the change in pH caused by the starter. But there’s no need to panic!
- Separate the Curds: Using a slotted spoon, gently scoop the curds from the liquid and place them into a colander lined with cheesecloth or a coffee filter. This will drain most of the whey, leaving you with just the curds.
- Season and Store: Once you’ve drained the curds, season your fresh ricotta with a pinch of salt to enhance its flavor. Then, refrigerate it for use in recipes like lasagna, or any other dish that calls for ricotta.
- Preserve for Later: If you don’t plan to use the ricotta immediately, it can be frozen and saved for later.
By following these steps, you can transform a potential yogurt-making mishap into a delicious homemade cheese, ensuring nothing goes to waste.
For more information and pictures, see my post on making ricotta cheese.
2. Is your “yogurt” too thin?
- Sometimes, what you might consider a “failure” is actually just a batch of thin or drinkable yogurt. If it smells fine, it might simply need more time to incubate. Continue incubating, but remember that once you stir or jostle the inoculated milk, the fermentation process is interrupted, and you’ll need to start over with a new starter.
- To thicken yogurt before incubation, there are various additives and techniques available. However, the simplest method is to strain the completed yogurt. If your yogurt is very thin, it might not strain well and could pour right through the strainer. In this case, incubate again with more starter.
- If re-incubating isn’t an option, consider using the yogurt milk as it is. Try it in smoothies or as a substitute for buttermilk in baked goods like cinnamon biscuits or Blue-Ribbon Buttermilk Bread Machine Loaf.
Parting Thoughts: Don’t be discouraged if you’re new to yogurt-making. Unlike baking brownies, where following a recipe often guarantees success, making yogurt involves live organisms, leading to unpredictable results.
Perfecting your process may take a few attempts, as everyone’s kitchen environment, equipment, and ingredients vary. The more you practice, the fewer failures you’ll experience, and soon enough, you’ll have a consistent system that works for you.
Questions? Email me: Paula at Hope to see you again soon!
Paula Rhodes, owner
As a retired home economist, I created to share my belief that you don’t have to be a chef to find joy in creating homemade food worth sharing. Bread machines (used in an unconventional way), homemade yogurt, and quick microwave recipes are my specialty.